Alas! There has been a challenge set forth. And as I am still learning this entire homesteading thing, I thought this was a great challenge. Stephanie over on Stop the Ride has issued this challenge that is open to everyone;
make something from scratch that you never had before and normally buy pre-made {I'm paraphrasing here} I jumped on this contest, and emailed her {comments weren't working for her blog either}.
Here is my problem and where you can help me out. I have no idea what to do. I do plan on making items that I have never made before, yet I am not sure which to tackle first and include in this contest. I ask you, my readers, to help me out by choosing from the options in the poll below. I will leave this open through the weekend. And if the end result is passable, I might just raffle off the project. {If not passable, I will try again}

Oh those are good ones. Tough choice! I voted for the basket. Mostly b/c if you raffle it off I want a shot at it! :)
Candles are very satisfying to make!
Cheese is always good, and that's something I think nobody makes anymore (we haven't yet, but I don't think that will stop us it just isn't far up on the priority list of things to make.)
oh heck! It was a toss-up (for me) between cheese and candles! I should have checked the other votes first and gone with the majority :)
Who cares about baskets? (sorry Stephanie!) You can buy them a dime a dozen at almost any store in the country, and all they do is collect dust and start shedding :)
Cheese. Homemade cheese is to die for.
I think your choices are interesting - if you are trying to be as self-sufficient as possible my votes would be, in descending order: cheese (you must eat), candles (you must be able to see), soap (it helps to keep clean, altho water and scrubbing will do), basket (to carry your food in from the garden) and wreath (just to be pretty and keep your spirits up plus it should be made from items you grow or free harvest).
I was going to say soap before seeing the options, but cheese sounds much better.
I haven't made cheese since last time we had kefir at home, and now I can't wait to read your experiences :)
I don't comment much, but I love reading your blog :)
Obviously I vote for soap:
I would vote in this order: soap (1st), cheese, basket, candles. I see no use for a wreath. :D
Not to put you out here...but is there somewhere I can learn to make interactive poll-graphs such as you veused here?
That's cool!
My "herd-mentality" even felt a warm fuzzy when I was told I voted "correctly."
Cheese! I want to see you try your hand at cheese. I tried to make a vinegar cheese once and it sucked.
I voted soap because we are going to tackle that for the first time here shortly. Well we made glycerine soap in the past, but this time we're using wood ashes and fat and the whole 9 yards. It should be fun.
Best of luck choosing.
I voted for soap: useful even if not perfect. If you get even semi-good at it, you can make soap as gifts.
I think cheese is too iffy: what do you do if it tastes awful?
I voted for cheese, Mozerella, (Ricotta) are probably good starters. Good luck!! That is always something I wanted to try my hand at.
You get such a lift from being able to make cheese. I've had a lot of indifferent home made soap. I go along with the ricotta/mozzarella crowd but soft cheese is nice too. And there are a lot of good cheese making books out there.
Warning this blogg may contain traces of Nut.
Good choices. I would go for the candles, I have never made them before either but love having them around. I may be inspired to look up how to do it myself now :)
Well, I say Cheese. I was thinking yesterday about how much money a person can spend on milk, cheeses, cream, real butter, etc... If you somehow added that up throughout a year that adds up to way more money saved than say what you would spend on soap in a year or burning candles. Cheese I feel has a ton of potential. Good Luck.
Stephanie, thank you for taking the time to vote. BUt unless you can rally some outside help to vote on the basket, I'm afraid the Cheese has it.
Yoko, so I've heard.
Tim, don't let your wife see your vote, she wants a basket ;)
Ant, you should no me by now, the basket would be made of metal, no shredding there. :D
Shen, thank you for voting. I have heard that cheese can kill you.
Bellen, thank you for your vote and response. The items list are things that I have not yet made, but have thought about doing so. And you are correct in the order.
sirannon, thank you. It should be interesting to say the least.
atenea-nike,I saw that post. And I was very impressed.
Caroline, I thought a wreath might be a fun thing to make.
Fool, you're so cheesy. Emailed you.
Jenny, thank you for the heads up, I will stay away from making vinegar cheese.
Burdockboy, thank you for your vote. I was planning on making soap with lye. Even if I am a little troubled by the use of it. I will get over it.
KF, if the cheese is yucky, I'm sure the chickens will love it!
Maggie, sign up for the contest and try! I'll root for you.
Teri, thank you. Since it sounds like you have done it many times before, I will keep your reply in my thoughts when choosing the cheese to make.
Jesper, if you want me to look at your blog, please leave a reply on my Saturday posts. thank you.
Turnip, then you too should sign up for the contest and tackle some candles.
Mell, we really want to get a milking cow because of how much we spend on milk, cheese. I haven't added it up, but it sure seems to be a lot. My boys can go through a gallon of milk in a day.
Tim is motivated by his stomach. (Go figure!)
I've never had homemade cheese, so maybe I just don't know what I'm missing! :)
Homemade cheese is great, but when I made it found I wasn't really saving much money. Maybe if I had my own cow. Soap is very satisfying and so are candles.
Cheese for sure.
It sounds delicious!
My vote is for soap. But I had a hard time between that and the cheese and the candles. Go with your interests though, that way you will put your "all" into the project. I haven't been over here in about a week! You have a lot going on! Well wishes for your father.
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