Father and youngest boy make snow balls to ambush the older two.

Most of the snow has melted off. It will be off and on {snowing} over the month. The real winter fun usually arrives in January. {we tend to get snowed in that month}
I also discovered that A Homesteading Neophyte is included in a teaching assignment. GoatQuest. I am not sure of the age group, and I am flattered to be included {guess I need to talk about my goats some more} Everyone wave to the students!
How cool that you are now offically educational! I always knew you were, but now the rest of the world is catching on.
We haven't had snow here yet, thank goodness, although the weatherman has been trying to scare us. I dread the snow coming. I need a new winter coat and can't find last year's gloves. Too bad I don't have a friendly goat to snuggle up & keep me warm.
Is that a biker's jacket I see the hubby wearing? Cool.
You mean you've never seen a Jackolope? They are quite sought after for trophey mounting. *grin*
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