I was talking with my mother-in-law, asking her about an orchard that was down her way selling pick your own apples for twenty nine cents US a pound. Not a bad deal, considering our local grocer is selling them for $1.29 US a pound. After losing the phone number to the orchard, and not remembering the name of the place, my mother-in-law said she would ask someone at her work and see if they knew. Lunchtime the next day, I had the phone number and name of this orchard, and my mother-in-law saying that there was a man she worked with that wants me to come out to his place and pick all the apples I want. . . FREE. I immediately jumped on that one, and told her we would be out Sunday. We needed to justify the drive {about an hour} and my niece's birthday party was down in that area on Sunday.
We followed my in-laws further out into the middle of nowhere, one of those places where what is labeled as a public road is really a private drive. And found ourselves in Eden.

We brought with us one bushel basket and two boxes that held slightly over one bushel. The property owner showed us where his apple trees where and explained which ones were good for "eatin" and which ones where the best "bakin" apples. Then left us alone to pick. My parent-in-laws stayed to help, as my 3 children found it more satisfying to beam each other with the rotten apples. Our 2-year-old got his grandpa a few times, and my husband shook out a tree, only to have the apples fall on his mother's head as she gathered from lower branches.
My father-in-law and I started with the baking apples. We had our bushel basket full in no time.

I left the basket under the tree and went to help fill the other two boxes. The next time I looked up, Grandpa had found a wooden crate in the woods and was gathering more baking apples. I walked back over to him and helped gather them up. My children were coerced into helping as well.

What started off as a little adventure to gather 3 bushels of free apples turned into an expedition that landed us over 6 bushels. Approximately 250 lbs {113 Kg} of apples!

I adore old barns and windmills. While we were picking apples, this barn was to our backs. I looked inside, and noticed that is was not being used as a ground floor storage as so many old barns are. We are going to talk to the owner about pulling it down for him, if we get to keep the barn wood.

On a side note, my blog has been critiqued. You can read what was said here at Critique my blog
What fun! I love apple picking, but I agree that such "sucess" can be a bit overwhelming. One lady I used to know canned up "apple pie filling"-pre-spiced and ready to go, so she could just open a jar and make a pie whenever.
Wow, it looks like you hit the jackpot! And peaches too?!
Lucky duck.
There's an apple dessert that my grandma gave my mom andI the recipe for - it's good, but I don't think it's cannable. I'll post it on my LJ later today - I have to hussle to get ready for class and drink my tea. Oh no...20 minutes?!
Well you could do what we are doing.
Hard Cider is always nice.
That's a bunch of apples! My mom used to make baked cinnamon apples that were delicious. We would have them with pork chops. I don't know where the recipe is now but I'll look for it...
Ooooh. Baked apples with pork chops! Yum....
Of course now I've got the Brady Bunch stuck in my head. ("Pork chops and applesauce.")
Any good recipes for apple dumplings? I've been thinking about trying that this year. Maybe try that and let me know how they turn out?
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