Due to my recent heat exposure incident, I decided against going outside very often yesterday. By six o'clock that evening it had cooled down to a chilly 103f {39c}. Instead I stayed inside where it was cooler and thought about canning French onion soups. Too hot outside and too warm in the house to do such a thing. So I did housework and pretended to enjoy it. Strange that I complain about working outside, yet when forced play hermit I miss the garden.
My teenagers {heavy chickens} have found a way out of the enclosure and have been wondering over to the neighbors. I guess I don't have enough room for them nor the right type of insects. It's 3 of the 5, that are wandering. I find them in the garden and in the orchard. 1 rooster and 2 hens, I guess he decided that he can't compete with our adult rooster and wants to start his own harem somewhere else. I think they are getting out through one of the non usable gates. I will have to fix that today. {I took a picture of them yesterday, or thought I did. I can't seem to locate it}

At this point I wish to thank my sponsors, antof9, jenny72, alrescate, Rendiru, KF-in-Georgia, mojosmom, MarinaWolf, mysterylady36, and my 3 Anonymous Sponsor. We have raised $249US for Farm Aid! You guys are wonderful! There is still time to sponsor me. If Farm Aid isn't your style, check my links on the side bar. Hold your cursor over the links to see who they are blogging for, so many bloggers with so many good causes.
Remember that none of your donations go through me. Go here; Sponsor Me! and pledge the amount of money you wish to donate. On July 29th at 8am central time I will begin my 24 hours of blooging, updating with a new post every 30 minutes. {It should get intestesting} After the 30th, go to Farm Aids donation site and give your donation straight to them. Remember we are trying to keep Families on their own farms. If you are unable to sponsor me now, that's ok, but please stop by to chear me on. And this weekend don't forget to go to your local Farmers market and buy local, it will help.

From the Farm Aid website; "Throughout the month of July, you can make a donation to Farm Aid at any Wild Oats or Henry’s store. Wild Oats will match your contribution, up to $20,000! "
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