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Friday, September 04, 2015

Not really homesteading

I haven't updated, because I have little positive to say. I know I have a history of telling everything, but when it is a daily in and out of awful, I am just to a point that I don't want to share it anymore.

I am not homesteading. I am hobbying. Garden and chickens.

If the world ends, we will be alright.

Large is in college, Medium turned 14 today, and Small is learning to play the saxophone.

And the shop is doing very well. But I rarely see Husband. 

As long as the shop continues to grow like it is, we will be ok. And maybe we can go back to homesteading. But for now. . . It is what it is.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Better days

We have never seen our back pasture mowed. A neighbor came down this weekend, and brush hogged it all down. He was tired of chasing his rouge cows through our thicket. No more scratches for him. Ha!  He also had an auger attachment on his tractor, and decided to dig holes for our garden fence posts.

A little driveway mowing and we found him up top, mowing that grass as well. Guess he was on a roll.

On more personal news, Large has graduated High School! He starts in a University (on a scholarship) in the fall!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Having tea with Loki

Green has finally decided to grace us with his presence. It feels like it has been too long.

With Spring comes the wild foods I so enjoy. Friends joined us to eat our first bounty of wild onions.

The dish of wild onion, carrots and potatoes slow cooked in hard apple cider and minced garlic can out divine. We served it with pork ribs smothered in apple bbq sauce.

We have had a few people point out a bush to us. Mountain tea, is the only explanation I received. Someone said it was Ironwort. But I am not completely sure of that. It looks nothing like it. I thought elderberry, but the taste wasn't right.

What I do know is that is makes a wonderfully minty tea. I was told that when the berries come in and if I can get to it before the deer, it is even better. We made some fresh, and dried out more for later.

And we are of course super happy to introduce you all to Urth's Umbra's little bull calf.


He has been attempting to live up to his name, already.

Friday, April 10, 2015

A short break in the weather

Between the snow and flooding, we got a few days that we were able to get some garden in, take a walk, and enjoy Easter Sunday.

Miss Buckets is officially deaf.
Husband got me something to make my life a tad easier

After egg dying, Medium and Small decided to use the rest on themselves.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Another Casting Call

I received this email last night, though I declined, I offered to pass the info along. (Thank you for your emails and comments. I will be able to post a full report of going ons soon)


My name is Felicia and I am a casting researcher for a new family docu-series we are currently casting, and I just came across your blog. We are looking for hardworking couples & families throughout the U.S. I wanted to reach out to see if you and your family were interested or if you knew any families who would be. 

Below is some more information about the show. 

Inline image 1 



(Applicants must be at least 18 years old and US Citizens to apply)

Are you a hardworking family living paycheck to paycheck?  

Has your work life kept you from spending quality time with your family? 

Do you ever have a hard time making financial decisions together as a couple? 

 Is Dad the β€œsaver” and Mom the β€œspender” or vice versa?

If so, we’d love to talk to you and help you in a fun and creative way on a new television show!

From a MAJOR TELEVISION NETWORK, comes a new television series looking for outspoken, opinionated and dynamic couples and/or families nationwide who don’t always agree on everything, but are willing to talk it out on a new creative new television series!


1. Name & ages of both you and your significant other & length of relationship

2. Occupations of both of you

3. How many kids you have

4. City, State you live in

5. Contact info (please include phone numbers and email addresses for both parties)

6. Recent photo of your family AND a clear photo of you and your significant other.

7. Write a brief description about your family and why you are excited to share your story with America.  Describe why you answered yes to any or all of the questions above.  Describe your personalities, struggles and triumphs over the years together.  What are your dreams and what is holding you back from achieving them?

(Where did you see this post?)

If selected, you will be paid for your participation.

Thank you so much!

Felicia Rogers

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Not much to say

I really don't have too much to share right now. Though I do miss writing to you. The winter is, luckily, easier than last. We have food, we have friends, we have plenty of heat. No real snow fall yet, so the driveway of doom has been easier to navigate. However things have been freezing. 

So we must take water to the cows.

And that makes them happy. We did lose Xuxi however. Her calf is doing well. Our new year has started out on some very sour notes. But joyful things have been pushing in on us. I have several laborers coming out to do many things. They are some wonderful men. In exchange for their work, I will be showing them some things, canning and gardening are on their list of must learns. 

I could list out all our plans, but I thought it would be better to wait until we are actually doing these things. So much has been pushed back as it is because of circumstances, as they are. We are taking baby steps and building community. That's important to us right now. And that means soon I will be introducing you to more characters in our ever changing story. I think you may enjoy them as much as we have been.

Until the next time I am able to write. . .

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Casting call

I received an email yesterday from a production company I have worked with via phone calls in the past. I thought I would pass the info along to you.

If you have questions, and would prefer to go through me, email me. I do have her phone number and can get those questions answered anonymously.

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