
Monday, October 20, 2014

Our Sunday

We know that we will be lucky to get two years out of these posts. However, that is more than enough time for what we are doing.


  1. that made my back sore just looking at it...
    The property looks beautiful.

  2. Those are fine looking fence posts. Good job!

  3. I used trees for a number of projects like that and they all went bad right at the soil line.

    From time to time I'd thought about some type of preservative 'right there', maybe painting used motor oil? Plastic jug wrapped around the post? Something to protect the post "at" the earth/air line.
    Always too much else to to do to go back and mess with something that was working.

    They do look good!

  4. A lot of hard work being put into creating those posts. In the end you'll have a fence the animals won't be able to break down. Good job, I can imagine everyone will be exhausted at the end of the day.
    Hugs to you all.
