
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Name something that you might do that would be considered eccentric

Not really in question form Noelle.

How long have we been doing the blogathon together now? Five years is it?

The better question might be, what do I do that isn't considered eccentric?



  1. you already know this Phel...but i like re-spelling words i really like it! and i like pronouncing silent letters. i also like making up new words - like "grombly" as in - my belly is feeling grombly from eating too much.

    your friend,

  2. Oh I am well aware of that Kymber.

    You know you don't have to hang out with me all day. It's the night that gets to be bothersome. But I appreciate you!

  3. Hmm, I guess that was supposed to be one of those listy thingies? Yeah, I think we started the same year 2006, and I think we both managed to skip 2008 somehow. So basically I think this is our 6th.

  4. 2008 was the first year that the blogathon org started losing interest in themselves. Bummer to. I liked being able to do this in a large group, surfing and encouraging.

  5. Yeah, the official one was fun because there were a lot of others doing it at the same time! 2008 was definitely the year things started not happening. I had a weird feeling that 2009 was going to be the last one,! Then there was that weird stuff in 2010, yes we're doing it, no we aren't, I couldn't keep track... lol!

  6. i will have to start getting ready for the dance soon...still time for a few more comments before leaving, so i will be away for a few hours...but i promise to be back later tonight!

    your friend,

  7. I do a lot of stuff that I think of as "old fashioned" but not really eccentric. I do counted cross stitch, I do crossword puzzles (and jig saw puzzles) and still write letters to my family and friends by hand.
